Angry drivers like this car colour the most

Angry drivers like this car colour the most

When you think about the colour blue, tranquil, cool images generally come to mind. Still waters. Blue sky. It’s a colour associated with peace and serenity.

Not so in Britain. A recent study of 2,837 motorists conducted for VoucherCodesPro, a discount coupon website, revealed that drivers in blue cars were most prone to aggressive driving and bouts of road rage.

Drivers in black cars were second on the aggression list, followed by silver, green and red.

And, on the heels of recent University of California study in which BMW drivers were shown to be less likely to stop for pedestrians at a crosswalk – “BMW drivers were the worst,” researcher Paul K. Piff told the New York Times last month – it was revealed that the majority of those angry blue cars are likely to be BMWs.

In fact, the survey showed that the likeliest road rage culprit, according to the Daily Mail, was a male, aged 35-50, driving a blue BMW. On a Friday. In rush hour. At 5:45 p.m. Yes, it was that specific.

Land Rovers, Audis, Subarus and Vauxhalls were the other car brands most cited for having angry drivers.


Angry drivers like this car colour the most

When you think about the colour blue, tranquil, cool images generally come to mind. Still waters. Blue sky. It’s a colour associated with peace and serenity.

Not so in Britain. A recent study of 2,837 motorists conducted for VoucherCodesPro, a discount coupon website, revealed that drivers in blue cars were most prone to aggressive driving and bouts of road rage.

Drivers in black cars were second on the aggression list, followed by silver, green and red.

And, on the heels of recent University of California study in which BMW drivers were shown to be less likely to stop for pedestrians at a crosswalk – “BMW drivers were the worst,” researcher Paul K. Piff told the New York Times last month – it was revealed that the majority of those angry blue cars are likely to be BMWs.

In fact, the survey showed that the likeliest road rage culprit, according to the Daily Mail, was a male, aged 35-50, driving a blue BMW. On a Friday. In rush hour. At 5:45 p.m. Yes, it was that specific.

Land Rovers, Audis, Subarus and Vauxhalls were the other car brands most cited for having angry drivers.

